Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Benefits of CBD Oil & Why Canadians are Giving it to Their Dogs

The Benefits of CBD Oil & Why Canadians are Giving it to Their Dogs

While many Canadians are familiar with the benefits of CBD oil for humans, can the same be said about dogs? Our canine companions need looking after, and CBD oil might just be the solution to solve many unconventional issues. If you’re wondering whether or not you can give CBD oil to your dog, the answer […]

Tips for Buying High-Quality CBD Oil Online in Canada

Tips for Buying High-Quality CBD Oil Online in Canada

Without a doubt, buying CBD products online is the way to go. Shopping for CBD oil online means greater product selection, lower prices, and more visibility on what you’re actually buying. If you’re looking for something immediately, this guide to buying CBD oil near me will help you find local CBD sources that offer fast […]

What is Premium Flower

What is Premium Flower at Top Shelf BC

The modern cannabis industry has grown to almost unbelievable heights in just a few short years since the waves of legalisation in the western world began. With this fast-tracked progress has come a lot of new weed-based lingo to legitimise the product and take it away from a history of “dope”, “skunk” and “dank”. Unfortunately, […]

What Does Top-Shelf Weed Mean: Definition & Meaning

What Does Top-Shelf Weed Mean: Definition & Meaning

Cannabis has attracted a huge audience globally for a huge part of humanity’s history. From ancient civilizations to the founders of the United States, weed has been enjoyed by many, even with its rocky public appearance over the 20th century. Luckily, more and more states around the world are becoming better educated and now the […]

Is Weedmaps Getting Shut Down In Canada?

Is Weedmaps Getting Shut Down In Canada?

Introduction to Weedmaps – Is it shutting down? Weedmaps has been serving the weed community since 2008. Since its founding, it has strived to create a platform to allow people to buy weed safely and securely. It serves as a handy map of both local physical and online weed dispensaries. This allows people to choose […]