How to Sober Up from Weed – 12 Actionable Tips

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Learning how to sober up from Weed is essential as you journey through the world of Cannabis. Many older and more experienced stoners would begin by asking the obvious question: Why? You smoked or ingested Cannabis to get high, so why worry? 

Unfamiliar feelings may initially overwhelm new users, necessitating management or mitigation measures. It is also possible that, with the increase in strength of certain Cannabis products, even the experienced user may want or need to decrease the effects of the increasingly high cannabinoid quantities.  

How Long Does a Weed High Last?

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The short answer is 1–6 hours. However, depending on the individual’s metabolism, consumption method, strain, and amount of cannabinoids, this may take longer.

Adverse effects of ‘too much’ Cannabis


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Cannabis is frequently sought out to help with anxiety. However, there is anecdotal and increasing evidence suggesting a relationship between higher THC levels and the possibility of increased stress. This is often reported in less experienced users, pointing to the idea that a ‘loss of control’ may increase anxiety until one becomes familiar with the feeling. 

Impaired judgment

Cannabinoids that have a psychoactive effect (THC, THCV) can result in a change in your mental judgment (this may not always be a bad thing) and physical assessment (altering the sense of space)—refraining from operating heavy or dangerous machinery while high is advisable. It would help if you also put off any major decisions (or at least reconsider them) until you have time to sober up from Weed. 


Paranoia is closely related to anxiety and is exacerbated by being ‘out of control.’ I wonder if the level of paranoia has somewhat lessened with the ongoing legalization of Cannabis. Perhaps if you are not constantly told that what you are doing is ‘wrong’ and ‘illegal,’ the level of internal anxiety brought on by a fear of being found out (Paranoia) is lessened. 


When a feeling of being out of control intensifies, this can lead to a form of Panic. Anecdotally, this is mainly reported when Cannabis is consumed in conjunction with other substances, notably alcohol. The resultant ‘green fever’ can overwhelm new and more experienced users. This feeling may lead to mild panic if one is unfamiliar with it. 

How Long Does It Take to Sober Up From Weed?

Cannabis Strain

Cannabis strains are combinations of Cannabinoids and Terpenes in absolute quantity and ratio. In most strains, the Cannabinoid inducing the high is THC. Other psychoactive Cannabinoids, such as THVC, may also be present, but these are most often found in much smaller quantities. As a rule of thumb, the higher the THC percentage, the stronger and longer the high.

Mode of ingestion

Smoking or Vaporizing

Smoking or Vaporizing is a preferred method of Cannabis consumption because THC is detectable in plasma after only a few seconds and peaks after 3–10 min. 


THC absorbs more slowly and erratically, and its passage through the liver and stomach has an impact. The most felt effects and concentration levels are at their peak, between 1 and 3 hours post-ingestion. Many adverse reactions are due to people not fully appreciating the time it takes for the effect of edibles to ‘kick in’ and, therefore, consuming far too much product.  


Tinctures (Cannabis oil prepared in an alcohol base) can be very fast-acting as they are applied sublingually (under the tongue). This method is highly efficient (compared with ingestion), and effects are felt and peak within 10-15 minutes.  


Dabs and concentrates are NOT ADVISED for beginners. Even if you are experienced with Smoking flowers and eating cookies, the new world of Dabs and Concentrates may be intense. The effects peak around 3 – 10 minutes (similar to smoking) but can be much more intense due to the relative THC levels. 

Experience level

Cannabis has a decreased effect in more regular uses. Once satiated over time, the body will produce fewer CB1 receptors. A period of abstinence can reverse this and is often recommended for those who would like to feel those ‘old highs once again. More experienced users will sober up from Weed a lot quicker. 


Your weight and body fat percentage will influence your base metabolic rate. Cannabis directly affects metabolism through its ability to influence blood insulin spikes, and those with faster metabolic rates may sober up from Weed slightly faster. 

Co-consumption of other intoxicants, e.g., alcohol

In a word… DON’T…Green fever alert! This is something that many young students learn, having had one too many beers and then smoking some Weed. While a single glass of wine may not have much influence, overindulging in a combination of Cannabis and alcohol can leave you disoriented and nauseous and even cause vomiting. This will extend the time required to sober up from Weed. 

How to Avoid the Adverse Reactions of Consuming Too Much Cannabis (Greening Out)

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As the old saying goes,”Prevention is better than cure.” 

Stick To The Same Variety & Strain

You build up a tolerance to almost anything over time, and Cannabis is no exception. Sticking to one or two preferred strains can allow you to build resistance and thus minimize the effects. The opposite also applies; more seasoned smokers are advised to change their strains and experiment semi-frequently. 

Know your limit

The lungs and their ability to inhale smoke are generally a limiting factor to overdoing it. However, the same does not apply to edibles. Please avoid falling into the old trap of assuming an edible is not working and then indulge in much more to speed it along. Edibles take time to kick in and can last much longer than smoking. 

Keep a suggested remedy handy

Many of the quick remedies are items available in the home. It is a good idea to get high in familiar surroundings and ensure you have a few oranges and peppercorns handy. 

How to Make Your Recovery Time More Pleasant and Perhaps Shorter

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Black Peppercorns


  • Eat Pineapple nuts – perhaps some basil pesto with pence?
  • Contains pinene and limonene, both of which help with calming.

Orange or Lemon Zest

  • Eat some with a slice of orange
  • Squeeze the skin and smell it for an aromatherapeutic limonene response

Distract yourself

A high can increase in intensity if it’s your only focus. Focusing on other pleasurable tasks will distract your mind from any anxiety regarding your Cannabis consumption and make the activities themselves more pleasurable.

  • Listen to music and play card/board games.
  • Watch a movie
  • Talk with a good friend
  • Play a musical instrument

Don’t Panic

In the words of King Solomon;

“This too shall pass.”

Cannabis, when taken alone, is highly safe and is easily absorbed into and expelled from the body. What you feel will pass, and you can constantly adjust to a strain and method until you find your happy place.  



Remember That This Feeling is Temporary


  • Any physical activity that increases Endorphins will lessen any ‘too-high’ feeling. 
  • Go for a walk.


Mangoes are anecdotally credited with increasing the effects of THC. The thought is that the Myrcene Terpene in Mango enhances the impact of Myrcene in the Cannabis plant. This may be true, but the quantities in Mango are so negligible that you can find almost no ‘evidence’ of effect.


Try not to do this. Ibuprofen is not suitable for high blood pressure. That being said, Ibuprofen has been scientifically shown to decrease the effects of THC, and anecdotally, many people report similar effects. 

Keep yourself hydrated

This is always good advice, but it is beneficial in staving off the ‘dry-mouth effect prevalent in many Cannabis strains. The Chinese medical principles advocate the drinking of warm water.

  • Warm water with lemon 

Sleep It Off

Sleep is the great healer. A good night’s rest and the ‘too high feeling of the previous night (or morning) will be a pleasant (if slightly wooly) memory. A siesta can also be a great way to sober up from Weed. 

Take A Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower causes blood to flow to your extremities, which in turn causes blood in your deeper tissues to circulate rapidly to maintain internal body temperature. 

Avoid Consuming Marijuana on an Empty Stomach

An empty stomach should theoretically make little difference if you smoke Cannabis, as the absorption is through the lungs. However, many smokers’ reports can leave you feeling a little nauseous, and certain strains will bring on the hunger pangs a lot quicker. 

Consuming edibles on an empty stomach will not necessarily increase the extent of the high but will delay its onset (adding around 30-60 minutes).

Counteract with CBD

CBD has a balancing effect on the psychoactivity of THC. A few drops of pure CBD oil can mitigate the impact of Stains that are exceptionally high in THC. 

Eat a carb-rich meal.

Edibles can be tricky at first, even, and perhaps particularly, for seasoned smokers. These are not always the brownies of old, made with leftover Weed, mild and relaxing. Today’s edibles can be solid. Check the packaging carefully, and only buy from highly reputable sources. 

Things to avoid when high


Almost every story involving ‘green fever’ (nausea and vomiting attributed to Cannabis) involves alcohol. They do not mix well, and you should tread exceptionally carefully should you wish to combine the two. One glass of wine should be okay, but anything more, and you’re into the wobbly territory. 

Driving and Operating heavy machinery

If you are feeling intoxicated, wait it out—no need to put yourself or others in harm’s way. 

Tricky kitchen implements and sharp knives

Please, please don’t cut yourself. It is easy enough when sober and happens to many of the best chefs, so work very slowly and methodically in the kitchen when stoned. 

Stoned texting

Oh well…if you have to… don’t say we didn’t warn you. 

Step-By-Step Dosage Programs

To best avoid the effects of an initial ‘too-high dose of THC, I highly recommend going through a sensitization program.’s good and kind folk at have a fantastic, comprehensive, and free dosage program. Dosage Program